In 2009, ISO and the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) collaborated to create a national information-sharing system to combat cargo theft. They designed a system that enables more efficient, accurate, and timely sharing of cargo theft information among theft victims, their insurers, and law enforcement.
For the first time, a nationally coordinated data-sharing system takes into account the needs of insurers, law enforcement, transportation companies, manufacturers, retailers, and their many agents and service providers. The core of the network is a new database called CargoNet. The program focuses on aggregating and sharing information and intelligence from multiple task forces, other police agencies, and the industry.
CargoNet uses case management and analytic functions that enhance the effectiveness of cargo theft task forces. The network also encompasses training and investigative support for law enforcement, as well as theft prevention services and analytics.
Find out more
For more information about CargoNet, call us at 888-595-(CNET) 2638. Or send email to