The cargo theft prevention and recovery network

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Sessions On Demand

The Cargo Theft and Transportation Summit provided important opportunities for law enforcement, insurance, and private industry personnel to gain insight into local and national cargo theft and transportation issues. For a limited time we are making the sessions available to you !

2020 Theft Trends Review

In this session we will explore current supply chain theft and fraud trends. If your products are moving and stopping in high theft areas; wouldn't you want to know?

The Supply Change in a COVID-19 World

Everything around us seems to have changed, including the supply chain. This session will focus on how the supply chain has been impacted and what we can …

How to Create Cargo Security Standard Operating Procedures

Sound fundamental? Believe it or not, many companies within the supply chain have little or no documented standard operating procedures when it comes to cargo theft…

Uptick in Pilferage & Broken Seal Threats

2020 has shown a significant uptick in pilferages and broken seals. Our speakers will discuss the statistics and trends as well as share Modus Operandi for…

Pain & Challenges of Truck Fires

Truck fires can be challenging and painful. This session will review some common causes of fires, how a knowledgeable Origin and Cause investigator...

Utilizing Data to Reduce the Risk of Cargo Theft

We’ll discuss the financial burden of a theft that goes beyond the load value, and how insightful data can be both proactive and reactive in theft...

Working with Your Agent to Find the Right Insurance for Your Company

Hear firsthand from insurance agents of the challenges their client and they face daily. Learn the do’s and don’ts when sourcing a cargo insurance policy and…

What's Wrong with the Picture?

In this session our audience will be shown a series of photos and will be asked to determine any anomalies, soft targets, or areas where security can be improved…

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